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Opening Hours : Saturday to Thursday - 10 am to 11 pm
  Contact : (002) 0102 713 7676 – 0102 713 8080

Basic Oral Surgery Skills

Basic Oral Surgery Skills Course

1. Principles of infection control in Dental clinics and operating theatre.
2. Regional anatomy of the head and neck relevant to oral surgery.
3. Basic surgical principles as applied to oral surgery:

a. Aseptic technique.
b.Prevention of flap necrosis.
c. Prevention of flap dehiscence.
d. Prevention of flap tearing.
e. Tissue handling.
f. Hemostasis.
g. Means of promoting wound hemostasis.
h. Dead space management.
i. Decontamination and debridement.
j. Edema control.

4. Incisions, flap design, Suture types and techniques.
5. Surgical exodontia ,Removal of impacted third molar.
6. Endodontic surgery : diagnosis and surgery.
7. Radiographic interpretation in oral surgery.

– Different Surgical Flaps techniques (on animal tissues).
– Perform all types of suturing. (On animal tissues).
– Different Dental wiring on Dental model.

Clinical Work :
Clinical Case on patient mouth.

Speaker :
Dr. Abdullah Atef Hammuda B.D.S,MSc,PhD
Lecturer Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Minia University, Egypt
Fellow Instituto Maxillofacial Barcelona, Spain

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