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Revision Course For Membership And Board Exams In Orthodontics

Middle East Dental Society and Glasgow Orthodontic Academy
5 Day Revision course for membership and board exams in Orthodontics
23-27 of July 2018/ Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Dr. Mohammed Almuzian
Specialist Orthodontist/ UK
Honorary Lecturer in Orthodontics/ University of Sydney/ Australia,
BDS (Hons), Cert. Systematic Rev.Health (UK), MDSc.Orth. (Iraq), MSc.HCA (USA),
Doctorate Clin.Dent.Orth.(UK), MFDS RCS (Edinburgh), MJDF RSC (England), MFD RCS (Ireland),
MOrth. RCS (Edinburgh), IMOrth. RCS (England/ Glasgow),
MRCDS.Orth. (Australia), MDTF RCS (Edinburgh), IADFE (USA)
The winner of the Gold Medal in Orthodontics from the Royal College of Surgeons of EdinburghCurriculum of the course
Topics to be covered and discussed in the course:
1. MOrth exam orientation: the structure of the examination, the examiners view and the marking scheme
2. Practice and learn the systematic way of answering during the viva, communication, unseen cases’ presentation, OSCE and diagnostic cases session the exam
3. “Safe MOOH” technique: a quick way to assess anchorage demand and extraction pattern in the exam within 60 seconds!
4. Golden practical tips for cephalometric tracing and superimposition
5. Research methodology and orthodontic literature: The commonly asked questions and terminologies in the exam.
6. In addition to many presentations such as:
• Growth Prediction and its relevance to orthodontic treatment
• Interceptive orthodontics: From A to Z
• Rapid maxillary expansion and transverse discrepancies
• Transpalatal, Nance and Lingual Arch Appliances: Clinical Tips and Applications
• Extraoral orthodontic appliances
• Distalising molars: how do you do it?
• And many othersLearning outcomes
At the end of the course, participants should:
• Understand and apply growth prediction in orthodontic management.
• Understand indications, designs and the effects of different types of orthodontic appliances and auxiliaries
• Be able to criticise the potential treatment approaches for each type of malocclusion and appraise the potential problems of each treatment plan.
• Acquire the required skills to use medical records as the basis for focussed discussion.
• Be familiar with latest evidences and apply them in clinical practice.Venue: Royal College of Surgeon of Edinburgh
Letter of invitation: If required, invitation letter to the UK embassy from Glasgow Dental Academy will be sent upon booking. Full refund for those whose visa application was unsuccessful.

– Full Course (5 day) : 1350 USD Early Bird
: 1500 USD Late Bird

Date: 23-27 July 2018

For more information, please contact us on:
• Email: hanyezz@medsacademy.com
• Mobile & WhatsApp: For Arabic and English speakers: +201027137676, +201027138080, +201021526215 or +201000445463